Why join the club?
Well, besides the obvious: Exclusive first looks and sneak peeks. Priority access. My eternal gratitude (hey, sometimes it pays off!) and special event invitations. Occasional freebies. Chances to read the books before they publish. Contests with prizes. Chances to laugh at me, because sometimes I’m a dork. Find your tribe and make new friends. We’ve seen all that and more around here… PLUS, there’s an awesome newsletter!
Why do I want the newsletter?
Reading my newsletter is not only the best way to support me before my novels are actually published. It’s also the best way to let me support you!
The newsletter isn’t just about getting Insider Club freebies, first looks, and priority access (although it is all of those things). It’s not just about getting to help me pick titles and character names and influencing how the books go (although occasionally it’s about that too). It’s about you and your goals.
Via the newsletter, you can sit back and relax while I do all the difficult experimenting that comes with trying to make a name in a creative field. Marketing, website design, making time for the creative process with clamoring kids—I invite you to watch behind the scenes, learn from my successes and mistakes.
My greatest hope is that my journey towards my dreams helps someone else make the journey for their own dreams.
And then—bonus! You also get the freebies, the insider info, and input on my books. Plus, you will be the FIRST to know when I do get a publishing deal! Well, besides the people who hear me scream in crazy excitement when I get the news myself, maybe.

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